Sigrid Igdrasel

Don't let their size fool you— while small in stature, this bun is capable of warfare when dancer arms are placed in their hands. Her feet are ready to leap and spin around in a dazzling display, be it for the entertainment of the good people or the downfall of their enemies.

≫ Final Fantasy XIV Original Character
≫ Walk-up's welcome!
≫ Tells for OOC only unless discussed
≫ Flexible with casual or para RP styles
≫ Muse and Writer are both 30+

All info is subject to change and updated as needed/as the FFXIV storyline continues.
Last update - 09/29/2024


Name: Sigrid “Siri” Igdrasel
Other Aliases/Nicknames: Siri, Alliance Captain Igdrasel
Species: Viis Viera | Rava
Gender: Genderfluid - Feminine base/presenting
Pronouns: She/They
Sexual Orientation: Androsexual - Cis/trans men/them preference
Relationship Status: Single. Monogamous. (Interested? See more details here.)
Age: 92 Summers
Name Day: 26th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon (8/26)
Height: 4'11"
Weight: ~145 lbs
Eyes: Lilac
Body Type: Petite, strong legs, "pear shaped".
Notable Features: Tribe marks around her eyes and cheeks. A Thavnarian-styled tattoo over her chest, back, and hands. Curious runes snake their limbs and body. A marks dot under their left eye. Various scars scatter her body.
Hair: White-ish waves and curls. When let down, it reaches their rear.
Voice Description: Soft-spoken, with a slight accent of their homelands.
Languages: Common/Hyuran, Old Elezen, Garlean Tongue, Hannish, Doman Tongue, Ancient Hingan, Viera tongue, learning Xaela tongue.

Your character has found Sigrid and is interested in pursuing something more romantic with them. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Sigrid is strictly monogamous - therefore they are not open to those already in an open relationship or desire to have one with them.

  • Siri is not used to the feeling of love. Due to this, they may be painfully oblivious to it or panic upon realizing it. Patience is key!

  • Cheating will not be condoned. If you believe your character the type to sneak around, don't bother pursuing Siri to begin with.

  • Sigrid is my main account and my comfort character, I'll be considering someone who also focuses on their main and is interested in open OOC discussions on having something bloom between our characters. Let's chat, plan and gush over our characters falling in love!

  • Pairings only considered if we've roleplayed together already and chemistry between the characters is there.

  • Siri is seeking their 'one true mate', so only consider having your character seek dating them if they are in it for the long haul. Their main desires are to bond and even have kits, so serious inquiries only, please!

Interested in more intimate details? Check out their F-List here!
(Contains NSFW subjects!)


(Warnings for Shadowbringers spoilers!)

Sigrid was born in the Rak'tika Greatwood on a distant star known as the First. Their father is a skilled fighter and their mother a renowned and respected medicine woman, both part of the prestigious Igdrasel clan dedicated to protecting the Wood and village.As a child, Sigrid was touched by a sin eater. The affliction turned their hair a bright white and stunted their growth considerably compared to other Viis. Sigrid was covered in protective runes to contain any ill effects of the sin eaters' touch, leading the village to see them as a lucky charm despite their differences. Given how the village viewed them, they were under constant watch to ensure their safety.However... Sigrid's free spirit led her to explore, befriending a fae named Briar. During one adventure, Briar discovered a 'tear' in the plane, pulling them both through and into the Golmore Jungle within the Source.The Viera of the Source found Sigrid after Briar was unable to bring them back. Skeptical of Sigrid's tales of the Viis and the First, they allowed the child to stay within their village out of pity. Despite the pity they had taken, Sigrid felt isolated and ostracized by the Viera, who often looked down upon Siri as a runt with ominous aether.Not wishing to have their friend Briar found, they would secretly seek them out to find a way back home. After a few years of attempts they finally accepted that the tear had somehow mended, sealing them away from their home and family forever.



YOUNG ADULTUpon coming of age, the Viera of the village debated Sigrid's future. The women felt she was too small to raise kits and often belittled her abilities due to being smaller than the others, while the men doubted her strength for the Wood for the same reason. In the end, the Elders let Sigrid decide. Wanting to prove themselves, they joined the men to guard the jungle.During a routine border patrol, the group was ambushed and Sigrid was captured by Garlean soldiers who took them to Rabanastre. There, a merchant bought their freedom, taking her back with them to Ul'dah. In this unfamiliar city, they resorted to stealing for survival, but she knew this wasn't the life she wanted. Desperate, she sought help from passing merchants to get work in Limsa.In Limsa, Sigrid found companionship with a man named Jacke and joined the rogues guild, taking odd jobs that honed their blade skills beyond their mentors’ teachings. Eager for further growth, they were referred to a ninja teacher of Doma, expanding their horizons and witnessing the Empire's destruction along the way.

THE PRESENTSigrid spends most of their time focused on the Alliance and their role within it. Recently, they were rewarded the title of Captain, and given the reigns to lead a small company of soldiers on special missions. While Sigrid isn't one to speak on the details of their orders, they will always assure those curious enough to ask that things are well in hand and that civilians have nothing to worry about.When they have no active orders to fulfill, Siri will take on security work at venues and attempt to make friends with civilians where they can - hoping to potentially find time to seek a mate as well.On occasion, they're also known to teach the art of Kriegstanz to children and adults alike - should they show an interest in the art.

ADULTTensions escalated in Eorzea with the Garleans. Returning home to support the skirmishes, Siri gathered intel and eliminated enemy patrols invading the lands. During this time, they met Madame Nashmeira, a Thavnairian battle dancer. Influenced by their purpose and behind their dancing, it ignited an interest to pick up the fighting form. They traded daggers for chakrams, training rigorously to master the art of Kriegstanz, which they displayed during the battle at Carteneau Flats as Eorzean's and Garlan's clashed.There, the Seventh Umbral Calamity struck, engulfing everything in blinding light. Sigrid awoke in an infirmary a month later, having suffered a head injury that distorted their aether and left them in a coma. When they awoke, they couldn't remember much of the battle nor their past. Additionally, she lost her sense of taste.Post-calamity, Sigrid focused on recovery, training, and attending physical therapy to regain their ability to battle once more. Attempts to recover memories often resulted in bloody noses and blackouts, prompting chirurgeons to advise against it. Undeterred, Sigrid continued to lend their skills to the Eorzean Alliance in various crises, from dragon attacks in Ishgard to conflicts in Doma and Gyr Abania, before ultimately leaving their mark on Thavnair, now their second home, during the Final Days.


Use to slum around in the darker allies of Limsa? Current or ex-conscript to the Empire? If Sigrid doesn't know about you they may have at least heard of you given their rogue and ninja background. Be it collecting intel or facilitating covert operations, their keen ears hears and recalls all of import.

Didn't I see you at...?

Siri frequents many venues these days being on leave from the military. If not the ones they work at, then when they're free and curious to see what else is out there. If you're an avid venue hopper, they may have been somewhere in the crowds dancing away or flirting with a bloke.


Should your character have the sight or dabbles in atherology, they'd be able to tell Siri's aether is disturbed, appearing in a murky mix of colours. Due to their injury from the Calamity, it is aether that has their memories locked away and causes them pain when recalling them. Let's chat about it!


If you've set sail across the waters to Doma, then you may have caught a rare sighting of Sigrid walking the streets or stopping into the bath house of Kugane. While the people may not know them by name, you may hear tales of the "White Hare" who was seen fighting alongside the Doman's in their time of need.


Sigrid is known well in Thavnair - specifically in the halls of Radz-at-Han. If you were to ever frequent Mehryde's Meyhane, you could have very well seen them performing upon stage or out chatting with the locals. They're a favorite among the children, especially those who are under their tutelage in learning the art of dance.


If you're part of the Eorzean Alliance, be it your own Free Company or weaved within the many outer circles that fight against the Empire, you may have seen Sigrid out on the fields in various locations fighting at your side - from the chills of Ishgard to the balmy heat of Thavnair.

Out Of Character

Thanks for reading this chunky caard of mine!

• Quinn
• He/They
• 30+

Mostly during evenings, CST.

Available for OOC plotting/chatting to those I feel comfortable sharing it with. In-game RP is my priority.

I'm willing to share if yours is given first!

RP Preferences
• I'm mostly seeking long-term, character development-based roleplay.
• Communication is a must, be it ERP, Dark, or Mature themes of any nature. I'm open to many things so long as it's discussed and there's consent.• No bodily harm, permanent or life-altering things are allowed to happen to my OC. This includes losing body parts and up to death. Anything else - please refer to the point above.• Sigrid is lore-based, therefore will react to current events in-game up to the latest releases. If your character is lore-breaking, Siri may find them odd or not believe them. I try to ensure I do not spoil things when I RP, so I may ask OOC if you are up to date. In the case you are not, Siri will not divulge more detailed things to your character unless you give consent to be spoiled.• Due to the ever-developing nature of XIV's story and lore drops, please expect me to adjust and update things as needed to abide. I state the date of my recent updates on the home page.

Boundaries• Please be 20+ if you intend to interact with me.• No self-inserts/kinning/first-person narratives.• Absolutely no characters using transfetish characteristics such as futa, dickgirl, shemale, cuntboy, or trap. Should any of these derogatory terms be used IC or OOC I will blacklist without hesitation.• Keep the OOC drama away, please.• IC ≠ OOC. Should there ever be an issue with something IC, you are free to /Tell me OOC only. As such, do not message me IC to chat with me OOC.

A few vulnerable notes about me...I have severe ADHD, which impacts both my daily life and in-game experiences. My primary challenge is memory; if I forget details from our discussions, please don't take it personally. As such, I've only been playing FFXIV for a year, so there may be lore and details I've overlooked or haven't encountered yet.Additionally, I have dyslexia. I strive to proofread my posts which tends to make my replies take longer, but I appreciate any patience and understanding and will give the same in turn.